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Alles anzeigenExterner Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Happy Monday, everyone!
Alpha 3.18 is now available to Waves 1 and 2 for PTU testing! We've got all hands on deck focused on getting this update both to all PTU testing waves as well as onto the live servers. There are still a few issues needing to be smoothed out, but we hope to get 3.18 in your hands very soon.
In case you missed it, last week we asked you to Save the Date for this year's CitizenCon! We're back in person this year, and we'll have more details coming your way soon, including tickets, location, information on the annual cosplay contests, community booths, and more. We can't wait to see you all on October 21, 2023, in Los Angeles, California!
Love is in the air as we approach February 11, the celebration of Coramor in the Star Citizen universe. We'll have plenty of ways for you to join in the festivities, including chances to win prizes you'll adore, so watch out for all the details as we kick off Coramor later this week.
Now, let's see what's going on this week:
This Tuesday, we're thrilled to roll out a major update to the Community Hub, with new features, fixes, and fun included. Keep an eye out for our announcement post tomorrow with all the goodies you'll want to know. We'll also publish the Subscriber Monthly Newsletter and Comm-Link!
Wednesday has 2023's first roadmap update, along with a Roadmap Roundup with all the details. We'll also repost last week's Squadron 42 monthly report newsletter as a Comm-Link.
Thursday, there's no Inside Star Citizen! Instead, it's another Journey to 4.0 special dedicated to the creation of our new modular building interior system intended to populate every landing zone in Star Citizen.
Also on Thursday, join us for the kick-off of Coramor, our annual celebration of all things love. This year, we've got more than a few opportunities to win some sweet prizes, so grab your finest threads, and get ready for a romantic event or two.
On Friday, join us for Star Citizen Live, where members of the vehicle team gather for their annual summit in the UK. Tune in at 8am Pacific / 4pm UTC on our Twitch channel for an exclusive look. Plus, stay up-to-date with our weekly RSI Newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox.
Have a fantastic week, everyone!
Jake Bradley
- This Week in Star Citizen
- February Subscriber Newsletter
- February Subscriber Comm-Link
- Community Hub Update
- Roadmap Update
- Roadmap Roundup
- January 2023 Squadron 42 Monthly Report Comm-Link
- Inside Star Citizen
- Coramor 2953
- Star Citizen Live - 16:00 UTC / 08:00 am Pacific (twitch.tv/starcitizen)
- Weekly Newsletter
COMMUNITY MVP: February 6, 2023
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.We're constantly amazed at the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it's fan art, a cinematic, YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Every week, we select one piece of content submitted to the Community Hub and highlight it here. The highlighted content creator will be awarded an MVP badge on Spectrum and be immortalized in our MVP section of the Hub.
Don't forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for the chance to see it here!Star Citizen Mining Mom
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.DoraThaaDestroya and their Twitch community have put together an amazing resource for mining in the 'verse, whether you're just starting out or a veteran rock smasher.
Check out the full post on the Community Hub.