Alles anzeigenExterner Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Happy Monday, everyone!
The team is hard at work getting Alpha 3.20 ready for launch, and Evocati testing has begun! We've gotten some amazing feedback on Arena Commander's upcoming updates, with testing on the PU beginning shortly. Keep an eye out for more updates as we get closer to a Wave 1 PTU release in the near future.
In case you missed it, CitizenCon tickets are now available, and we want YOU at the event! In addition, we're super excited to welcome back the addition of Community Booths. These booths have been a huge hit at our last two in-person CitizenCon events, so we knew that needed to return, bigger and better than ever before! If you are interested in applying to have a presence on the show floor, head over to the Spectrum announcement and fill out an application - we'd love to support and celebrate you at the big show!
Now, let's see what's going on this week:
On Wednesday, stay tuned for the first of many CitizenCon updates you can expect in the months ahead as we approach October 21/22. Keep an eye on Spectrum for more information about how you might be able to get more involved with the big show!
Thursday is our last week without Inside Star Citizen, but fear not! Our weekly development update show returns from its hiatus next week.
On Friday, you'll see the weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox. Plus, this Friday Concept Artist Alberto Petronio (Tumbril Storm, RSI Lynx, Greycat UTV) will be LIVE showcasing his process in creating vehicle concepts. What will he make for us? A flying saucer? A food truck? A unicycle? You can tune into at 8 AM Pacific / 3 PM UTC to see and find out more.
Plus, Foundation Festival is still underway! Whether you're a new player or a veteran looking to help out, there's rewards in store for helping your fellow citizens. Check out the Foundation Festival hub for more details and jump in before the event ends on July 31.
Lastly, we're wrapping up the internal postmortem for 3.18/3.19 and are looking to publish to you all very soon.
This is the way,Jake Bradley
MONDAY, July 17, 2023
- This Week In Star Citizen
- Foundation Festival 2953
TUESDAY, July 18, 2023
- Foundation Festival 2953
WEDNESDAY, July 19, 2023
- Foundation Festival 2953
THURSDAY, July 20, 2023
- Foundation Festival 2953
FRIDAY, July 21, 2023
- Star Citizen Live (
- Weekly Newsletter
- Foundation Festival 2953
COMMUNITY MVP: July 17, 2023
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.We're constantly amazed at the contributions made by the Star Citizen community. Whether it's fan art, a cinematic, YouTube guide, or even a 3D print of your favorite ship, we love it all! Every week, we select one piece of content submitted to the Community Hub and highlight it here. The highlighted content creator will be awarded an MVP badge on Spectrum and be immortalized in our MVP section of the Hub.
Don't forget to submit your content to our Community Hub for the chance to see it here!OVERCLOCKED: Absolution (Episode
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.The team working on the OVERCLOCKED machinima have blown us away once again with the latest installment in the series. The tensions are high as the episode kicks off with a life or death hostage situation.
Check out the full video on the Community Hub.