Admin Notice: 821 A.S. Begins

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  • [feedquote='Discovery RP Feed',''] Well it's that time of year folks, or maybe that year of time... I don't know, whatever. A new year has come in for those of you who live in the future, or you're still waiting for the bells to ring if you're behind the times.

    What has been a consistent problem with mod updates and the RP continuum is that each version has taken longer than one year to be released. 4.87 was released as taking place in 820, and rather than have more recycled years, it has been decided to declare 2014 as relating to the 821st year After Settlement; if you're in Gallia it would be 737 A.G.S.

    Mod updates with their relevant story fast-forwards are planned to be smaller and more frequent, so there won't be any mess of another 821 coming around in 2015.

    Enjoy yourselves responsibly, and Happy New Year from the Admin team!
