Alles anzeigenHappy Wednesday, everyone!
Every two weeks, we accompany the Roadmap update with a brief explanatory note to give you insight into the decision-making that led to any changes. This is part of an effort to make our communications more transparent, more specific, and more insightful for all of you who help to make Star Citizen and Squadron 42 possible.
With that said, let’s go ahead and dive into this week’s Roadmap Roundup!
-CIG Community Team
Notable Changes for November 15, 2023
Release View
The following card has passed its final review, therefore we are toggling its status to Committed:
Player Hair Update
Updating the Star Citizen character customizer with 20 hairstyles from Squadron 42. This includes long hair, tied hair, and updates to existing short hairstyles.
The following cards have been added to Release View, targeting a release in Q4 in Alpha 3.22.
New Derelict Settlements
Settlements with both gameplay and social elements, spread throughout the Stanton wilderness using the Rastar tool.
Arena Commander: New Map - Bloodshot Ridge
One of Stanton's new derelict settlements joins Arena Commander for all FPS Modes and all flight modes (excluding Classic Race & Pirate Swarm).
Arena Commander: New Map - Maker's Point
A rough and stormy settlement on Hurston, Maker's Point makes its way to all FPS modes in Arena Commander.
Arena Commander: Multicrew & Spawn Locations
Updating all maps to utilize a new Spawn Location system for spawn selection. This update also enables the long awaited introduction of Multicrew to Squadron Battle, Pirate Swarm, Vanduul Swarm, Team Tank Battle, and Free Flight.
That's all for this week! Join the discussion on Spectrum, and check out the Roadmap Companion Guide for more information on the Star Citizen Public Roadmap.