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Now that the Argo CSV-SM has been added to the 'verse, we posed a few questions to the vehicle team about the new flatbed hauler. Here are the answers, straight from the designers themselves.
What is the CSV-SM's intended role, and what situation would be a good use case for it?
The CSV-SM is a ground vehicle dedicated to transporting cargo from A to B far faster than walking. Think planetside deliveries, moving cargo between outposts, and transporting building supplies.
What ships will the CSV-SM fit inside?
The CSV will fit inside various Cutlass-sized ships and above, including most ships the Drake Mule fits in.
What advantages does the CSV-SM have over its competitors, such as the Drake Mule?
Compared to the Drake Mule, the CVS-SM has a Size 0 shield and an additional 1 SCU of container storage. However, this comes at the cost of small box storage.
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Is this vehicle designed to be driven on or off roads, and how good are its off-road capabilities?
The Argo CSV-SM has plenty of torque and rugged suspension for handling difficult terrain, while its large, sturdy wheels provide extra traction when off-road.
What kind of onboard storage does it have?
The CVS-SM has a dedicated Multi-Tool storage slot as well as personal storage at the rear.
What is the max driving speed of the Argo CSV-SM?
The top speed of the CSV-SM is 28 m/s on flat terrain.
It looks like there is a hook under the cargo flatbed. Are we able to hitch other ground vehicles to the CSV-SM to be towed? Will there be towable in-game trailers that we can attach to it?
This is visual storytelling. Currently, there are no plans to add towed trailers to vehicles.
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.How strong are the headlights, i.e., will we be able to properly see the terrain while driving in the wilderness?
Recently, headlights were standardized across all vehicles to give them a consistent range based on size and then manufacturer identity. In short, the CSV-SM’s headlights will be the same as those on other similar-sized vehicles.
Is the 4 SCU flatbed a cargo grid? If so, can I attach seats to the cargo flatbed to make it a people transporter?
Yes. Anything that can be attached to a cargo grid can be attached to the flatbed providing it fits within the vehicle’s limits, including seats.
What are the defensive capabilities of the CSV-SM? For example, will it have shields?
The CSV-SM does have some small defensive capability in the form of a size 0 shield, giving players time to try and get away when under fire. However, it does not have any weapons.
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