Discovery 4.87: Conquest - Update 7a

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  • [feedquote='Discovery RP Feed','']

    After the release of update 7, a few critical bugs were brought to the team's attention which had managed to sneak past us during the play testing phase, and even though the plan was to start working on the final release after update 7, it was decided to prepare and release a patched version of the update with appropriate fixes to said bugs included. Even though this release is technically and officially only a patched version of the last update, it also includes various adjustments and "clean up" work from our to-do list for the final release which were ready in time and were packed with this release.

    Complete list of bug fixes and changes included in update 7:


    - Fixes a few critical gameplay bugs.
    - Reassigned projectile effects by Syrus.
    - Various balance fixes.

    If you have not downloaded and installed Discovery 4.87: Conquest, then see the following link
    Discovery 4.87 Beta Release

    If the automatic update does not work, the update can be downloaded manually from here. Unzip the contents of this directory inside your Discovery installation.