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Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Paladin
Anvil Aerospace is on the frontline of Humanity’s defense, forging the weapons that keep Earth systems safe from the dangers outside and within. Continuing tradition, the Paladin spares no one, cutting down threats in a relentless hail of laser fire.
Following the concept release of the Anvil Paladin, we took your community-voted questions to our designers to provide you with more information on the recently unveiled heavyweight gunship.
What is the loaner for the Paladin while it is being developed?
The Redeemer is the loaner for the Paladin.
Regarding VTOL, the Paladin seems to have rotating thrusters at the back of the ship. How does it handle in atmosphere compared to the Valkyrie’s quad VTOL coverage?
The Paladin has enough VTOL power to handle adequately in atmosphere and maintain its position above targets, though compared to ships such as the Valkyrie, it will be less agile.
Is there an engineering room?
The room at the rear of the upper deck is the engineering room where the main engineering screen and majority of components are located. However, some components such as the radar, life support, and gravity generator are located in other areas of the ship.
Does the Paladin offer escape pods for its crew?
Yes, the crew beds double as ejection pod beds.
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.How does the Anvil Paladin compare to the Aegis Redeemer?
While both are gunships, they have different takes on that role and playstyle. The recent changes to the Redeemer’s turret weapon and shield sizes are offset by a significant boost to maneuverability. This allows the Paladin to occupy the ‘tankier’ gunship role.
Both ships have strengths and weaknesses, the Paladin trading agility for raw firepower and speed for armor, allowing players to choose a ship to suit their playstyle. The handling of the Paladin will be like the Redeemer was before the recent changes, which is more befitting a ship of its size and shape versus the much more compact Redeemer. And, unlike the Redeemer, the Paladin has no modular room, which is still planned for the Redeemer’s lower floor.
When will the Paladin start production?
The Paladin is currently in its whitebox production phase.
The Redeemer is supposed to have sophisticated shields, but they are Size 2. Why does the Paladin have Size 3 when its focus is on armor?
A ship’s shield size does not confer any “sophistication” bonus but instead alters factors such as shield health, capacity, and resistance to damage types. Generally, the larger the size, the larger the pool. However, having multiple smaller shields can be a bonus in terms of redundancy and regeneration rates over fewer larger items; in this case, six S2 shield generators versus a single S3 generator.
Is there any storage in the Paladin, such as gun racks, lockers, or cargo grid?
There are gun racks and personal storage for the crew, but there is not a dedicated cargo area with a cargo grid.
Compared to similar ships such as the Valkyrie and Legionnaire, how well armored is the Paladin?
The Valkyrie is the better comparison size-wise. Regardless, the Paladin is well armored and able to take a significant amount of incoming fire.
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.How fast does the S5 Remote Quad Turret slide between the top and bottom positions?
We’ll be evaluating this during production, but it won’t move quicker than the Scorpius’ rail turret. You can expect it to take longer than that due to the distance it’s required to travel.
Is the Paladin still efficient if I play with just one friend as a duo, with them using the remote quad turret?
While all weapon stations are usable with only two total crew, it is not the optimal loadout due to restrictions on the pilot-controlled wing weapons. See below for more details.
Do the pilot’s wing weapons play as gimballed when not remotely manned by dedicated gunners?
Yes, if there is nobody in the seats that control the wing weapons, then the pilot has control of them, albeit locked in the forward arc. Due to their location, their convergence is limited frontally, so they are only suitable for targets at mid/long distance. However, when independently controlled, they have full freedom of motion and can look pretty much in a full 180+ degree arc in all directions, allowing players to engage targets below, above, and behind.
How is the visibility with the blast shields activated, and why should we activate the blast shields in the cockpit?
Visibility is significantly reduced for all seats. However, the pilot is the only one impacted as all other stations use remote weapon views. The upper and lower blast shields are independently controlled, allowing the crew to decide whether to fully or partially lock down. In the short term, these parts provide a small HP boost when deployed. But, as physical damage comes online, they will provide additional damage resistance.
Can we replace any weapons on the Paladin?
Absolutely, all the weapons on the Paladin can be swapped for others of the same size as they are not bespoke. The same is true for the missile racks, which use the modular Behring series.
Externer Inhalt robertsspaceindustries.comInhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.The internal decks show rooms that look rather empty. Can you explain the purpose of rooms 6, 5, 8, and 9?
Details of the rooms can be found on the full Anvil Paladin ship page.
Regarding the internal floor plan, #6 and #9 cover the central traversable area and take up space due to the number of entrance ways from all the connecting rooms as well as ensuring there is sufficient space to remove components. #5 and the room on the opposite side are the crew quarters, each with a set of bunk beds, desk area, and personal storage. #8 is the main entrance room to the ship and contains four suit lockers and a set of weapon racks for each crew member.
With the ammo system in the future, players are wondering about ballistic reloading.
We do still plan for ships to be able to rearm ballistic weapons, either directly on the gun in question or from the ship’s internal stores fed by players directly.
Can the ship fly across a system for long-range operations?
Its quantum fuel tank will have a similar capacity to the Valkyrie’s. However, given the equipped quantum drive and the differing system sizes, there isn’t a simple yes/no answer to this.
How many exits does the Paladin offer?
There is a single side entrance/exit ramp.
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